Guide: Configure Volumio 1.51 for HiFiBerry Amp/Amp+


Guide: Configure Volumio 1.51 for HiFiBerry Amp/Amp+


Configure the Amp driver

You can simply select the Amp driver in the settings menu. I also recommend enabling the startup sound. This makes is easier to notice when the boot process is finished.

Update kernel

Volumio 1.51 is still using an older kernel without HiFiBerry Amp support. However updating is easy. Login using ssh and run the following command:

sudo rpi-update

Reboot now.

Configure the Amp volume control

By default, hardware colume control won’t work. Do enable this, edit /etc/mpd.conf and replace the “audio_output” section with the following configuration:

audio_output {

                 type           "alsa"
                 name           "Output"
                 device         "hw:0,0"
                 mixer_type     "hardware"      
                 mixer_device   "default"
                 mixer_control  "Master"
                 dop    "no"


December 21, 2014

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