

Filter documentation for Beovox speakers

Our friends from Bang & Olufsen did a lot of work measuring several older B&O speakers and designing filters for it. Some users asked us how these filters look like and if they really improve the audio quality of the speakers. If you know a bit about how to read frequency response plots, you can have a look at this by yourself.

The results of all measurements including the results of the filter design can be found now on the Beocreate Github repository. You will see that the filters are more than just simple crossovers, but they also correct the non-linear frequency response of each driver (which is normal, no real-world driver has a perfect linear frequency response).

You will also see that these new filters improve the low-frequency response resulting in a larger frequency range than the speakers offered originally.

The new DSP profiles now offer a frequency range (-3db) that goes down to about 50Hz (S35, RL6000), 70 Hz (CX100) or 80 Hz (CX50).

Here is an example of the CX50. You will find this and the data for the other speakers on Github.

The new profiles will be available soon. As all the the documentation still has to be created and/or updated, it might still take some time.

April 6, 2018

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