Cheese Case
Cheese Case
Creator: Christoph Stahl
Download the files:
Cheese case for Raspberry 2 and Hifiberry Amp2
Optimally passively vented 3D printed case with a hole pattern inspired by a fruit company:-) In “unibody design” of course.
I designed the case from scratch in Fusion360. During design I used your 3D model of the amp2 ( and a raspberry pi 3D Model from grabcad (
I also used your Pi holder step file ( and modified it for my need.
Thanks for the step files!
The file “Cheese_case.stl” is the main body of the case. It can be printed without any supports and the design is optimized for 0.2mm layer height and 0.45 extrusion width. For a better finish of the bottom holes, use supports from printbed – you can spare the hole for the switch from supports as the the bridging layer of one layer height makes the use of support unnecessary and can be broken away easily after printing.
The file “Cheese_back.stl” is optimized for the raspberry pi 2 and prints without any supports. Same settings otherwise.
The file “Cheese_holder.stl” needs supports from the build plate.
I printed in PETG, my Slicer said 150g of filament are needed.
The hardware BOM:
4x screws M3x10 DIN912
4x screws M3x30 (25 should also work probably) DIN912
8x M3 washers DIN125
4x M3 nuts DIN934
4x M3 lock nuts DIN985
1x Power switch
1x DC terminal
2x speaker terminal black
2x speaker terminal red
Shrinking tube
Raspberry Pi 2 (3 should be compatible?!)
Hifiberry Amp2
PSU Meanwell GST60A18-P1J
Please respect my privacy and remove exif data from photos in case of publication of my design. If you like, use my nickname “Stahlfabrik” instead of my full name. THX!