

Limiting the maximum output volume in HiFiBerryOS

Some users have expressed concerns about the maximum volume in HiFiBerryOS. Although the GUI includes a volume slider, each HiFiBerryOS service can control the volume independently. This independence is necessary to support volume control in player applications like Spotify, Roon, or Airplay from your iPhone. Consequently, even if you set the volume low, a player can override this and change the volume to the maximum level. This functionality is by design. However, if a player sets the volume to maximum and you have high-efficiency speakers connected, it can become very loud. While the 25W per channel output is unlikely to damage most speakers, it could be uncomfortable.

So, what can you do about this? If you never intend to use the full output volume (which is often the case), there is a straightforward solution. Navigate to Sound/Channels and Limits and select “Volume limit.”

For example, our Tannoy System 8 speakers in the office are still loud enough at -12dB, and we practically never use them at full volume even with this setting. By using the volume limit, we ensure the sound is loud but not excessively so.

July 16, 2024

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