First steps


First steps

First of all, we want to thank you for using one of our HiFiBerry products. It seems like you love music as much as we do! As our products are do-it-yourself modules, we’ll show you how to install and configure the hardware and software to get going.

Hardware installation

If you use our boards with a newer Raspberry Pi that features the 40-pin header, the installation is very easy: Just plug the board onto your Raspberry Pi.

P1. PiFi - RaspBerry PI with HifiBerry DIGI - parts

If you want to assemble one of the HiFiBerry cases that we provide, have a look at our Guides section, where you’ll find assemble instruction for all cases.

Software installation

Our boards will work with practically all well-known Raspberry Pi music player and media center distributions. Some of them will just detect the card and use it, others will require additional configuration. We recommend to have a look at our software selection page which lists the most popular distributions. You will also find some configuration guides and links to the support forums for most of them.